A Meatsmith Harvest Our podcast is also on iTunes and YouTube. Episode 101 Pursuing the Catholic Faith Through Agriculture & Family with Ted Stiritz Episodes 99+100 Farming, Wine, & Modernity with Kelsey Beck Fernandez of Finca Fernandez Episodes 97+98 Catholic Farm Dad Stuff with Mark Wertin Episodes 95+96 St Thomas & the Ends of Labor Episodes 93+94 Agrarian Thomistic Philosophy with Dr Richard Meloche Episodes 91+92 The Virtue of Culling Episodes 89+90 The Art of Foie Gras Episode 87+88: Culling, Cattle Rotation, and Gregorian Chant Episode 85+86: Of Land Hurricanes, Candle Light, and Large Living Episodes 83+84 Of Blood Bread, Beef Classes & Building Society Episode 81+82: Recap of our Busy Season and Community vs. Society Episode 79 + 80: Of Goose classes, the Exodus, and the ‘Our Father’: A Review of Fr. Vincent McNabb’s The Church and the Land Episodes 78: The Virtue of Pig Killing; Brandon’s talk at The Prairie Troubadour 2022 Symposium Episodes 76+77: With Ross McKnight of Backwater Foie Gras Episode 74+75: Philosophy 101 & Family Farming Episodes 72 + 73: Family Farms Episodes 70+71: Moving, Tradition, & Truck Tipping Episode 69: Daniel Firth Griffith in The Conversationalist Webinar Series. Episodes 67 + 68: We’re Moving. Here’s Why Episodes 65 + 66: Natural Law Episodes 63 + 64: Fasting, Fat and Fasting with Fat Episodes 61 + 62: Eating Geese, Broken Trucks and ‘Side’ Farming Episodes 59 + 60: Homestead Grab Bag (Tractors, Geese, Pastrami & …) Episodes 57 + 58: Beef, Bacon & Feasting Episodes 55 + 56: Spring “Slow” Season & Such Episodes 53 + 54: Meatsmith Homeschooling & Parenting Episodes 51 + 52: Cooking Through a Side of Beef Episodes 49 + 50: Meatsmith Kitchen Economy Episodes 47 + 48: The Virtue of Making Bacon Episodes 45 + 46: Cookery Methods Episodes 43 + 44: Harvesting and Preparing Duck Episodes 99+100 Farming, Wine, & Modernity with Kelsey Beck Fernandez of Finca Fernandez Episodes 97+98 Catholic Farm Dad Stuff with Mark Wertin Episodes 95+96 St Thomas & the Ends of Labor Episodes 93+94 Agrarian Thomistic Philosophy with Dr Richard Meloche Episodes 91+92 The Virtue of Culling Episodes 89+90 The Art of Foie Gras Episode 87+88: Culling, Cattle Rotation, and Gregorian Chant Episode 85+86: Of Land Hurricanes, Candle Light, and Large Living Episodes 83+84 Of Blood Bread, Beef Classes & Building Society Episode 81+82: Recap of our Busy Season and Community vs. Society Episode 79 + 80: Of Goose classes, the Exodus, and the ‘Our Father’: A Review of Fr. Vincent McNabb’s The Church and the Land Episodes 78: The Virtue of Pig Killing; Brandon’s talk at The Prairie Troubadour 2022 Symposium Episodes 76+77: With Ross McKnight of Backwater Foie Gras Episode 74+75: Philosophy 101 & Family Farming Episodes 72 + 73: Family Farms Episodes 70+71: Moving, Tradition, & Truck Tipping Episode 69: Daniel Firth Griffith in The Conversationalist Webinar Series. Episodes 67 + 68: We’re Moving. Here’s Why Episodes 65 + 66: Natural Law Episodes 63 + 64: Fasting, Fat and Fasting with Fat Episodes 61 + 62: Eating Geese, Broken Trucks and ‘Side’ Farming Episodes 59 + 60: Homestead Grab Bag (Tractors, Geese, Pastrami & …) Episodes 57 + 58: Beef, Bacon & Feasting Episodes 55 + 56: Spring “Slow” Season & Such Episodes 53 + 54: Meatsmith Homeschooling & Parenting Episodes 51 + 52: Cooking Through a Side of Beef Episodes 49 + 50: Meatsmith Kitchen Economy Episodes 47 + 48: The Virtue of Making Bacon Episodes 45 + 46: Cookery Methods Episodes 43 + 44: Harvesting and Preparing Duck Episodes 99+100 Farming, Wine, & Modernity with Kelsey Beck Fernandez of Finca Fernandez Episodes 97+98 Catholic Farm Dad Stuff with Mark Wertin Episodes 95+96 St Thomas & the Ends of Labor Episodes 93+94 Agrarian Thomistic Philosophy with Dr Richard Meloche Episodes 91+92 The Virtue of Culling Episodes 89+90 The Art of Foie Gras Episode 87+88: Culling, Cattle Rotation, and Gregorian Chant Episode 85+86: Of Land Hurricanes, Candle Light, and Large Living Episodes 83+84 Of Blood Bread, Beef Classes & Building Society Episode 81+82: Recap of our Busy Season and Community vs. Society Episode 79 + 80: Of Goose classes, the Exodus, and the ‘Our Father’: A Review of Fr. Vincent McNabb’s The Church and the Land Episodes 78: The Virtue of Pig Killing; Brandon’s talk at The Prairie Troubadour 2022 Symposium Episodes 76+77: With Ross McKnight of Backwater Foie Gras Episode 74+75: Philosophy 101 & Family Farming Episodes 72 + 73: Family Farms Episodes 70+71: Moving, Tradition, & Truck Tipping Episode 69: Daniel Firth Griffith in The Conversationalist Webinar Series. Episodes 67 + 68: We’re Moving. Here’s Why Episodes 65 + 66: Natural Law Episodes 63 + 64: Fasting, Fat and Fasting with Fat Episodes 61 + 62: Eating Geese, Broken Trucks and ‘Side’ Farming Episodes 59 + 60: Homestead Grab Bag (Tractors, Geese, Pastrami & …) Episodes 57 + 58: Beef, Bacon & Feasting Episodes 55 + 56: Spring “Slow” Season & Such Episodes 53 + 54: Meatsmith Homeschooling & Parenting Episodes 51 + 52: Cooking Through a Side of Beef Episodes 49 + 50: Meatsmith Kitchen Economy Episodes 47 + 48: The Virtue of Making Bacon Episodes 45 + 46: Cookery Methods Episodes 43 + 44: Harvesting and Preparing Duck Episodes 99+100 Farming, Wine, & Modernity with Kelsey Beck Fernandez of Finca Fernandez Episodes 97+98 Catholic Farm Dad Stuff with Mark Wertin Episodes 95+96 St Thomas & the Ends of Labor Episodes 93+94 Agrarian Thomistic Philosophy with Dr Richard Meloche Episodes 91+92 The Virtue of Culling Episodes 89+90 The Art of Foie Gras Episode 87+88: Culling, Cattle Rotation, and Gregorian Chant Episode 85+86: Of Land Hurricanes, Candle Light, and Large Living Episodes 83+84 Of Blood Bread, Beef Classes & Building Society Episode 81+82: Recap of our Busy Season and Community vs. Society Episode 79 + 80: Of Goose classes, the Exodus, and the ‘Our Father’: A Review of Fr. Vincent McNabb’s The Church and the Land Episodes 78: The Virtue of Pig Killing; Brandon’s talk at The Prairie Troubadour 2022 Symposium Episodes 76+77: With Ross McKnight of Backwater Foie Gras Episode 74+75: Philosophy 101 & Family Farming Episodes 72 + 73: Family Farms Episodes 70+71: Moving, Tradition, & Truck Tipping Episode 69: Daniel Firth Griffith in The Conversationalist Webinar Series. Episodes 67 + 68: We’re Moving. Here’s Why Episodes 65 + 66: Natural Law Episodes 63 + 64: Fasting, Fat and Fasting with Fat Episodes 61 + 62: Eating Geese, Broken Trucks and ‘Side’ Farming Episodes 59 + 60: Homestead Grab Bag (Tractors, Geese, Pastrami & …) Episodes 57 + 58: Beef, Bacon & Feasting Episodes 55 + 56: Spring “Slow” Season & Such Episodes 53 + 54: Meatsmith Homeschooling & Parenting Episodes 51 + 52: Cooking Through a Side of Beef Episodes 49 + 50: Meatsmith Kitchen Economy Episodes 47 + 48: The Virtue of Making Bacon Episodes 45 + 46: Cookery Methods Episodes 43 + 44: Harvesting and Preparing Duck Episodes 99+100 Farming, Wine, & Modernity with Kelsey Beck Fernandez of Finca Fernandez Episodes 97+98 Catholic Farm Dad Stuff with Mark Wertin Episodes 95+96 St Thomas & the Ends of Labor Episodes 93+94 Agrarian Thomistic Philosophy with Dr Richard Meloche Episodes 91+92 The Virtue of Culling Episodes 89+90 The Art of Foie Gras Episode 87+88: Culling, Cattle Rotation, and Gregorian Chant Episode 85+86: Of Land Hurricanes, Candle Light, and Large Living Episodes 83+84 Of Blood Bread, Beef Classes & Building Society Episode 81+82: Recap of our Busy Season and Community vs. Society Episode 79 + 80: Of Goose classes, the Exodus, and the ‘Our Father’: A Review of Fr. Vincent McNabb’s The Church and the Land Episodes 78: The Virtue of Pig Killing; Brandon’s talk at The Prairie Troubadour 2022 Symposium Episodes 76+77: With Ross McKnight of Backwater Foie Gras Episode 74+75: Philosophy 101 & Family Farming Episodes 72 + 73: Family Farms Episodes 70+71: Moving, Tradition, & Truck Tipping Episode 69: Daniel Firth Griffith in The Conversationalist Webinar Series. Episodes 67 + 68: We’re Moving. Here’s Why Episodes 65 + 66: Natural Law Episodes 63 + 64: Fasting, Fat and Fasting with Fat Episodes 61 + 62: Eating Geese, Broken Trucks and ‘Side’ Farming Episodes 59 + 60: Homestead Grab Bag (Tractors, Geese, Pastrami & …) Episodes 57 + 58: Beef, Bacon & Feasting Episodes 55 + 56: Spring “Slow” Season & Such Episodes 53 + 54: Meatsmith Homeschooling & Parenting Episodes 51 + 52: Cooking Through a Side of Beef Episodes 49 + 50: Meatsmith Kitchen Economy Episodes 47 + 48: The Virtue of Making Bacon Episodes 45 + 46: Cookery Methods Episodes 43 + 44: Harvesting and Preparing Duck Episode 42: “The Working Title” Podcast Interview Episodes 40 + 41: Competing on The History Channel’s The Butcher Episodes 38 + 39: Interview with the Intellectual Agrarian Episodes 36 + 37: Lamb Butchery & Cookery Episodes 34 + 35: Meatsmithing with Kids & More Butchery Rationale Episodes 32 + 33: Slaughter Stories and Sustainability Episodes 30 + 31: Skinning and Eviscerating Cows, Sheep & Goats Episodes 28 + 29: Raising, Slaughter and Hanging of Beef Episodes 26 + 27: Sheep Slaughter Episodes 24 + 25: Smoking Episodes 22 + 23: Sausage Episodes 20 + 21: Holiday Grab-bag Q&A Episodes 18 + 19: Hunting Deer & Eating Venison Episodes 16 + 17: Homesteading Grab Bag Year 1, 2017-2018