The Sheards
Brandon and Lauren Sheard
Husband and Wife
Owners and Operators
Wallace Dietrich Allen Sheard
8 years in training
Senior Jr. Meatsmith
John Luke Benedict Sheard
6 years in training
Jr. Meatsmith
Brandon Simon Lewis Sheard
4 years in training
Jr. Meatsmith
Mary Josephine Mattea Sheard
2 years in training
Jr. Meatsmith
Beatrice Johanna Maria Sheard
1 year in training
Nursing Meatsmith
Brandon and Lauren met in the spring of 2007 in southern California while finishing up their graduate degrees; Brandon in Renaissance English Literature, Lauren in Religion and Theology. They dated that summer and fall, introducing each other to Kierkegaard, Milton and de Lubac and by Christmas of that year, were engaged. On the very date of their engagement they were introduced to a home-building project on Vashon, where Brandon’s parents had just migrated to from Ventura County (where Brandon grew up), and they made the move to the Island the following February. They were married June of 2008, when Brandon simultaneously left his job at Whole Foods in the supplement department, in search of more rural work closer to home.
A month later, Brandon was hired by Sea Breeze Farm on Vashon Island. There he was introduced to the arts of small scale animal husbandry, abattoir, butchery and charcuterie and worked there from August 2008-August 2010. After one year on the farm and managing markets, Brandon transitioned to la Boucherie, their restaurant and butcher shop, as head butcher and charcutier. While pregnant with their first child, Lauren helped Brandon in the shop by wrapping meat late into the night before market days, reading various culinary books on the shelves and taste testing recipes (and house made wine) at mid- work day lunches.

As their family expanded (John Luke was on the way), in the fall of 2010 Lauren and Brandon created Farmstead Meatsmith. They work well as a team; Brandon on the front lines of farmers’ fields, butcher blocks and home larders, and Lauren as the accountant, scheduler and professional washer of greasy cutting boards. They both are visionaries for the business and, above all, love witnessing good food bring people together.

Victoria Burgess
Victoria is our girl Friday. She works in our office, answering emails, connecting with customers and farmers. She’s also indispensable in our home and with our kids. Passionate about being involved in local food and fiber economies she has interned at vegetable and sheep farms in Washington & Oregon. “The most engaging and satisfying work I’ve done has been with little people and with the Land. Both keep you sustained and in the present.” She loves knitting garments, reading mystery novels, and hiking. You can find her on Instagram at @victoriouswool.