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Brandon and Lauren discuss becoming one’s own authority for curing meat by using one’s own senses, the science of water and salt on meat, as well as a well developed prowess.  They discuss whole muscle curing (as opposed to fermentation and confit methods of preservation) in a way that can fit the entire narrative in one’s mind for use in the domestic scale.

Looking for more Meatsmith knowledge? Join our online membership or come to an in-person class:

  • Hands-On Harvest Classes – Come to one of our harvest classes on our homestead in Oklahoma. We offer pork, beef, lamb, and goose harvest classes in the Spring and Fall. Spots are limited to just eight students per class to keep the hands-on experience undiluted. Jump on this chance and sign up today!
  • Meatsmith Membership – We created an online community and resource for homesteaders and farmers. It serves all those who want to cook and eat well. We offer the fruit of our labors (and our kitchen) from more than fifteen years of experience, and our Membership community of more than six hundred is an invaluable digital resource. The only one of its kind in the country, Meatsmith Membership provides an earnest and winsome approach to domestic livestock raising, slaughter, butchery, curing, cookery, and charcuterie. Join today and partner with us in growing your home around the harvestMonthly memberships are $17.49/month plus a $29.99 signup fee. Or purchase an Annual membership for $189.49/year with no signup fee, saving you $50.38. There’s a 7-day free trial for Annual memberships.

Introduction and Announcements:

  • Taking our time with these podcast episodes (less but longer episodes) due to our desire to attend to where our conversation leads.
  • Meatsmith Pork Shares for sale! Mangalitza (summer/fall) and Gloucester Old Spot  (winter) Shares available now for reserve.  Email to secure a share.  See here for pricing and details on what’s included:
  • Testimonial that blew us away: listen at minute 7:20
  • Fall Classes are up! Purchase now…they will go quickly this spring/summer:
  • Cochon 555 Seattle recap; 18: 30

Topics Discussed

  • First, a reference to our new favorite cheap beer 🙂
  • Breaking down meat preservation into 3 categories: Whole Muscle Curing, Fermentation & Fatting
  • So…What is whole muscle curing? 33:00, holding preservation and flavor in balance as the way to achieve harmony…not necessarily acceptance from the dominant discourse voices.
  • Addressing the little devil of fear on our shoulder
    • What is botulism? 1:04:35
  • How would you cure different muscles (of different thicknesses)? 1:20:00
  • Salt Peter vs. Nitrate vs. Nitrite, 1:35:00
  • A final encouragement to go for it!…and to trust our innate spoilage detection capacity as humans. 1:46:00

Links for Episode 11:

-Pork Shares:

-GOS Pork Share highlight films: coming soon.

-Upcoming classes scheduled:

-Best ‘cheap’ beer:

-Salami Biellese:



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