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December 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Brinery of pork and equalization; dry-aged beef show and tell; headcheese, cleaning the head therefor.

November 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Coolbot vs single unit vs dual refrigeration; hot smoking sausage; EZ up smoker; lamb’s and browsing; torching pigs as plan “b”.

October 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Hanging meat in super cold regions; level slaughter spot; use and storage of pork lard and confits; scalding barrel stabilization; spilling intestine.

September 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Gavage; herding pigs historically; pig harvest schedule; shooting six year old; large bullet head trauma and headcheese; french sources for embucs and plucker.

August 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Idaho pasture pigs; the idea of pastured pork; sourcing weaner pigs and their prices; rifle rounds suited to slaughter: 410, .22 .223; animal rights activists; fencing pigs in large pasture; deep bedding for pigs; chilling a carcass without a walk-in refrigerator.

July 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Foie gras of the backyard; lamb fenalar; dissertation crop removal and cuts from non-knife entities; refrigeration care and feeding; carcass hanging; oily feed; sausage from old goat; cool bot refrigeration

June 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Foie gras; do it to understand it; coolbot and dehumifier; keepability of uncured meat; curing in humidity and heat;

May 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Brine; managing dry bacon; stun vs just stick and which animals and why; death hurts; weaning, castrating; shooting old pigs; mangalitza fat quantities.

April 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Fermented sausage and regional clues; butcher is about cookery, learn to butcher by cooker;

March 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Maynard Davies; how to eat lardo; lard pig versus lean pig.

February 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Benevolent errors, tradition vs science; Mold, what to not do; equalization; knife sharpening apparatus, including wheel.

January 2019 Facebook Live Chat.

Huge AGH slaughter; refined methodology; spoilage of brines, the causes; sheeps for the pasture; sheep handling for slaughter; mold on bacon; lard pig efficiency; lardo; prosciutto salting.

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